Was in Melaka last weekend for Abang Eddie's wedding reception in Muar
Made use of the Originalo Charming Retreats Voucher - thanks to TZ & AM :)
Didn't know where Majestic Hotel was until I had to look for it
The building is nice but it isn't the best location to be in - especially when it is right next door to a hospital! :s
The bar will greet you as you enter the main lobby - I really like the bar setting, very "old" type of bar. Don't know how else to describe it *grin*
Which other hotel has these old-school snacks for their guests to enjoy?
Another jar had 'asam boi' (at least I think that is what it is called ;p)
The room, in a glance, looked very nice
But there are some "FAILED!" points i.e.:
1. No kiblat sign - yes, I have checked all drawers & there wasn't any on the ceiling, either
2. No full length mirror
3. No luggage stand! - where do they expect us to put our luggage to unload, then? On the bath tub?
Kampung Morten is the direct view from Majestic Hotel main entrance
Honestly, as beautiful a kampung it is, I have never been inside Kampung Morten! :(
Sad, Jett, sad...
This used to be Federal cinema
it was the 1st cinema I went to with my father to catch out 1st movie together.
& it was Jurassic Park! :)
The place is now probably an abandoned building
As I was making way to Jonker Walk, I caught Van Persie buying number from 4D! ;p ;p
Guess, ARSEnal is really in trouble, huh! ;p
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