Sunday, January 30, 2011



there is no other sincere love than the love for food.


it was in June 2010 when my world crumbled that i found the hidden strength to start something on my own.
completely on my own.
the plan was to leave the current day-job for this.

i will always remember when someone called me 'desperate' on what was supposed to be my 1st meeting with the franchise owner.
of course, i defended myself.
i wasn't desperate, i just wanted them to know that i am a no-nonsense person.

i will always be a no-nonsense person.
then again, there is always a fun side of me, too.

when i thought my entire world was tumbling down on me, God worked His mystreious way and presented me frozen yogurt.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


... just love this picture. perhaps, it's just the thing you get with a Leica ...

... The Banjaran Hotspring - Part II ...