After floating market, next destination was the temples !
Very excited to see for myself the Reclining Buddha

For a couple of Baht donation, visitors were given a bowl of coins to be put in that long thing (no, I don't know what they are called, sorry)
Suppa told me that once you have come to the end of the line, and if you have extra coins still in your bowl, consider yourself lucky!
& guess what, I had a lot ! :)

Look at the guy in front of me!
He was probably thinking, "Aik! I haven't come to the end yet there is no more coins in my bowl??" :p

Suppa said, people come here and bring egg(s) for every wish they have!

After the Reclining Buddha was the Emerald Buddha.
If I'm not mistaken, the tour guide said the emerald was 5 tonne when it was 1st brought to the temple and carved!

This is Suppa, our tour guide for the day :)

It was terribly hot but I had enjoyed my visit to the two temples.
Next & the last temple visit would be the Golden one :)